Today's the Day!

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sorrowscall's avatar
I couldn't be more excited about today. I'm going to the library for a discussion on the top 10 things authors do wrong. I'm hoping I'll come out a better writer for it! (Lately, I feel like I need a little extra help as a writer since I'm trying to further improve). So far, I know I have trouble catching misspelled words and my characters and their dialogue need work. Their not, well, distinct enough for me to even consider an actual book. It's been a while since I wrote a book. I mean, I have the Mrs. Green revision to look forward to, but I also want to stretch out my genres and try other writings. I've always wanted to try writing one of those characterXreader things, so there's that to look forward to in the future. I wonder what other things I'll learn today? I guess I'll find out soon!
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